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Our website does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any communications posted by other users of our website or endorse any opinions expressed by users of our website.  You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by other users of our website will be at your own risk.


Our website does not necessarily screen communications in advance and is not responsible for screening or monitoring material posted by users of our website.  If observed by our website and/or notified by a user of communications which allegedly do not conform to this agreement, our website may investigate the allegation and determine in good faith and its sole discretion whether to remove or request the removal of the communication.  Our website has no liability or responsibility to users of our website for performance or nonperformance of such activities. Our website reserves the right to expel users of our website and prevent their further access to our website for violating this agreement or any law or regulation, and also reserves the right to remove communications which are abusive, illegal, or disruptive.

You also understand that our website cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through our website will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to our website for the reconstruction of any lost data.


1. Intellectual Property Declarations & Protections.

The entire contents of our website are protected by intellectual property law, including international copyright and trademark laws.  Publications, products, content or services referenced herein or on our website are the exclusive trademarks or servicemarks of our website or related parties.  Other product and company names mentioned in our website may be the trademarks of their respective owners, and their mention herein does not imply a partnership or relationship of any kind where not so stated.  In sum, the owner of the copyrights and/or trademarks are our website, and/or other third party licensors or related entities.

You do not own rights to any article, book, eBook, document, blog post, software, application, add-on, plugin, art, graphics, images, photos, video, webinar, recording or other materials viewed or listened to through or from our website or via email or by way of protected content in a membership site.  The posting of data on our website, such as a blog comment, does not change this fact and does not give you any right in the data.  You surrender any rights to your content once it becomes part of our website.

YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, COPY, REPRODUCE, REPUBLISH, UPLOAD, POST, TRANSMIT, OR DISTRIBUTE, IN ANY MANNER, THE CONTENT ON OUR WEBSITE, INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE.  You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original content on any copy you make of the content.  You may not sell or modify the content or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the content in any way for any public or commercial purpose.  The use of paid content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited.  If you violate any of the terms or conditions, your permission to use the content automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any copies you have made of the content.

You are granted a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use our website only for private, personal, noncommercial reasons.  You may print and download portions of material from the different areas of the website solely for your own non-commercial use, provided that you agree not to change the content from its original form.  Moreover, you agree not to modify or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials you print or download.  Also note that any notice on any portion of our website that forbids printing & downloading trumps all prior statements and controls.

You may provide links to our website, provided you do not change, remove, or obscure the copyright notice or other notices on our website.  Your website or other source of links must not engage in illegal or pornographic activities.  Finally, you may link provided you understand that you must stop linking to our website immediately upon request by our website.

As a user, you agree to use the products and services offered by our website in a manner consistent with all applicable local, state/provincial and federal/national laws and regulations.  No material shall be stored or transmitted which infringes or violates the rights of others, which is unlawful, obscene, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable, threatening, defamatory, or invasive of privacy or publicity rights.

Our website prohibits conduct that might constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law.  Any activity that restricts or inhibits any other user from using the services of our website is also prohibited.  Unless allowed by a written agreement, you may not post or transmit advertising or commercial solicitation on our website.

You agree to grant to our website a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license, with the right to sub-license, to reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works of, publicly display and publicly perform any materials and other information (including, without limitation, ideas contained therein for new or improved products and services) you submit to any public areas of our website (such as bulletin boards, forums, blog, and newsgroups) or by e-mail to our website by all means and in any media now known or hereafter developed.  You also grant to our website the right to use your name in connection with the submitted materials and other information as well as in connection with all advertising, marketing and promotional material related thereto. You agree that you shall have no recourse against our website for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary right in your communications to our website.

2. Website Use & Access.

Your Duty To Other Users
Your use of our website is for your own personal, non-commercial benefit.  In no way are you to leverage our website in a way that mines for the personal information of other, whether in blog comments or otherwise, for your own use or for the benefit of others.  This includes, but is not limited to, spam (unsolicited commercial email).

If you inadvertently obtain personal information about other users, you shall not share this with anyone else.


Restricted material is restricted for a reason: it’s only made available to certain parties under certain conditions.  By accessing restricted material, you agree not to disclose, in any way, shape or form, the material that is protected.  Such material is for your own personal use and benefit exclusively.

Restrictions: This Website

Access to certain areas of this website may be restricted. Access to certain features and/or functionality of this website may be restricted.  We reserve the right to restrict access to other areas of the website, or indeed the entire website, at our discretion, at any time.  We reserve the right to restrict access to additional features and/or functionality of this website, at our discretion, at any time.

Restrictions: Other, Connected/Related Web Properties

Similarly, we may utilize a third-party solution (stand-alone platform, etc.) or even link out to another website from this website, in which case the same parameters for restricting access apply.  This may include, but is in no way limited to, hosting a private “members only” area (“Member’s Area,” etc.) off site.

Restricted Access: Registration & Login Credentials

Access to restricted portions of this website, or features & functionality of this website, may be throttled by requiring user registration and the issuance of Login Credentials.  User registration often includes, but is in no way limited to, a Username (also referred to as a “Login ID” or “User ID” or otherwise) and Password (“Login Credentials”).  Usernames are often simply a unique identifier, such as an email address, but may also include unique, user-created data points.  You must ensure that your Username and Password are kept safe and confidential.  If we provide you with a Username and/or password to enable you to access restricted areas of our website or other content or services, we encourage you to change your Password if the technology allows you to do so.  We also encourage you to change your Password regularly, and use a strong Password that you only use for our website.

Registration may at times involve collecting additional information.  These may include data points (some personally identifiable) including, but not limited to, name, gender, age/year of birth, and/or address.  Some fields may be optional, and thus omitted.  Others may be required, and use of this information is governed by our Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree with this, do not proceed.  If you do proceed, understand that some of this information may be displayed publicly if you use certain website features and/or functionality, such as a forum or chat room, etc..  You can discontinue use of any service at any time, but your published information could remain in perpetuity.  You agree to provide fully honest, accurate, and complete information any time you submit information to us through this website or an associated web property.

Restricted Access: Scope of Use & Duty of Care

Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, your Login Credentials are issued for your personal use only.  As you are responsible for the protection of your Login Credentials, you are likewise responsible for all use that occurs pursuant to those Login Credentials.  We encourage you to log out from your account, where possible, at the end of each session.  You are responsible for notifying us if your account is thought to be compromised in any way including, but not limited to, unauthorized use.  Any damage to, or loss of, your account as a function of your negligence or vulnerability to hacking of your Login Credentials is your responsibility and in no way covered by us. 

You may not share your user ID and/or password with anyone for any reason, either directly or indirectly.  You accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your user ID or password.

Restricted Access: Replacement Accounts

We may, at our sole discretion, change, modify, upgrade, downgrade or otherwise alter the restricted access component of this website or any associated web property.  This may involve you having to create, or being issued, new Login Credentials.  Any rights you have are to the material (products, services, or otherwise) and not to a specific user interface or platform.  If your access is modified as such, we will notify you so that your access to restricted material continues according to your rights to it.

Restricted Access: Rejection

We may reject any application, purchase, or submission for access to protected areas of the website. 

Restricted Access: Termination

We may disable your Login Credentials, at our sole discretion, if you breach any of the policies or terms governing your use of our website or any other contractual obligation you owe to us.  Grounds for termination include, but are in no way limited to, providing false registration information, sharing Login Credentials (directly or indirectly), defeating the “protected” nature of the restricted material, etc..  Upon having your account terminated, and future access denied, any product, service, information or otherwise previously downloaded or otherwise appropriated from the website, member’s area, or otherwise shall remain subject to these Terms.

Third-Party Products/Services/Offers

You understand that, except for information, products or services clearly identified as being supplied by our website, our website does not operate, control or endorse any information, products or services on the Internet in any way.  Except for information identified by our website as such, all information, products and services offered through our website or on the Internet generally are offered by third parties that are not affiliated with our website, and we may be compensated.

iFrames, In-Bound Links, and Out-Bound Links

You are expressly forbidden and prohibited from embedding an iFrame of any portion of this website (including sub-domains and add-on domains and protected “member only” areas).  Doing so will be considered a violation of our intellectual property and dealt with accordingly.  If you wish to seek an exception, you must request written permission from us.

Inline linking (leeching, piggy-backing, direct linking, offsite image grabs, hotlinking, etc.) is also expressly forbidden and prohibited.  Doing so will be considered a violation of our intellectual property and dealt with accordingly.  If you wish to seek an exception, you must request written permission from us.

You are allowed to create text hyperlinks (outbound links) to the public portions of this website, so long as the context is appropriate to the destination on this website, your text hyperlink does not state or imply any endorsement or approval of your text hyperlink (or the website or person/entity creating it), and your text hyperlink does not in any way suggest a relationship (partnership, joint venture, etc.) between us.

Our website contains links to third party Websites.  Our website makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which you may access through this one or which may link to this website. When you access a website from our website, please understand that it is independent from our website, and that our website has no control over the content on that website. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by our website of the contents on such third-party Websites.  Our website is not responsible for the content of linked third-party Websites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such third party Websites.  If you decide to access linked third-party Websites, you do so at your own risk.  We do not necessarily endorse, recommend, suggest or otherwise make any overture or prompt for action regarding any product or service offered.  You should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.  Again, any income claims should be construed as atypical results and you assume the risk that inferior results obtain, including losses, for which we carry no responsibility or liability.

User Posts, Communications & Submissions

This section covers any and all material (information, data, written word, images, videos, sound clips, etc.) posted, communicated, submitted, or otherwise by you to us.  This section applies irrespective of the conduit or the destination of the tendering.  Accordingly, it applies whether the material is tendered through or to our website, discussion board, forum, other internet interface, email accounts, third-party storage devices, text messages, uploads of any kind, social media platforms and accounts, in person, via mail, or otherwise.

As a user of our website, you are responsible for your own posts and are responsible for the consequences of their posting.  As a user of our website, you are likewise responsible for your own communications and are responsible for the consequences of generating them.  You are likewise responsible for you own submissions and are responsible for the consequences of tendering them.  You must not do the following things: post material that is copyrighted, unless you are the copyright owner or have the permission of the copyright owner to post it; post material that reveals trade secrets, unless you own them or have the permission of the owner; post material that infringes on any other intellectual property rights of others or on the privacy or publicity rights of others; post material that is obscene, profane, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, or embarrassing to another user of our website or any other person or entity; post a sexually-explicit image; post advertisements or solicitations of business; post chain letters or pyramid schemes; impersonate another person; post in violation of any law that forbids online activity of children, minors, or others proscribed by law from participating.

You are provided the opportunity to tender material by, through, and to us (in any way noted, without limitation), but we are under no obligation to allow you to do so, or allow you to continue to do so.  You have the right to participate in this manner, but we have no responsibility to sustain any public display of your efforts.  We have the sole, exclusive right to allow your material to display if and as we wish, and may terminate such display at any time without recourse, for any reason, or for no reason whatsoever.

Material posted, communicated, submitted, or otherwise tendered is done so with the understanding that you are providing us (or our representatives, employees, agents, anyone so delegated authorization, etc.) a non-exclusive, but irrevocable, royalty-free and perpetual worldwide license to use your material without restriction.  Use includes, but is in no way limited to, copying, reproducing in any format, modifying (including creating derivative works), selling, leveraging for any gain, trading, otherwise transmitting or distributing, displaying in any setting, in any context, for any purpose.  This granting of rights supersedes any proprietary and/or intellectual property rights you may have (including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, etc.) is said material.  Use of such material may also involve us identifying you as the source of said material, and such disclosure could include your name, website, or more personal information you have provided to us.

Pursuant to U.S. Copyright law requirements, you are hereby notified that any original material you produce & deliver to or through us (or any technology we own or use) is considered “work made for hire.”  Accordingly, we exclusively own the copyright and all other intellectual property rights pertaining to this original material from the point of inception.  As such, we have worldwide, never-expiring rights to leverage such original material as we deem appropriate.  Should any original material not be construed as “work made for hire,” you nevertheless agree that you have freely assigned all rights conceivable, without compensation, in said material.  In the case of non-original, or pre-existing, material you reproduce will be construed as owned in tandem with us.

Social Media Warning (Divulgence of Personal & Private Information)

Social media has provided a platform for internet users to disclose much personal information about themselves, in a way that seems innocuous, if not proper and expected.  However, more than a few folks have already lived to regret personal information that was shared either by them or others.  This has long been true of simple email.  It is exponentially true of social websites and applications for social media on any other website, including this one.  You are cautioned against carelessly disclosing information.

3. Indemnification.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless our website, its members, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers and any third party information providers to our website from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any use of our website or violation of this Agreement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing our website.

4. Third Party Rights.

The provisions of paragraphs 2 (Use of the Service), and 3 (Indemnification) are for the benefit of our website and its owners, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, and any third party information providers to the Service.  Each of these individuals or entities shall have the right to assert and enforce those provisions directly against you on its/their own behalf.

5. Term; Termination.

We reserve the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of these Terms and to take any action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any data necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to your profile, email addresses, usage history, IP addresses and traffic data.

This Agreement, in whole or in part, may be terminated without notice at any time for any reason. The provisions of paragraphs 1 (Copyright, Licenses and Idea Submissions), 2 (Use of the Service), 3 (Indemnification), 4 (Third Party Rights), 6 (Hiring an Attorney / No Attorney-Client Relationship), and 7 (Miscellaneous) shall survive any termination of this Agreement, in whole or in part.

6. Hiring an Investment Advisor, Attorney, or Medical or Other Professional / No Attorney-Client Relationship or Fiduciary Capacity.

Choosing a lawyer, doctor, or investment advisor is a serious matter and should NOT be based solely on data contained on our website or in advertisements. 

The law is constantly changing and the data may not be complete or accurate depending on your particular legal issue.  Each legal issue depends on its individual facts and different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations.  This is why you should seriously consider hiring licensed, professional counsel in your jurisdiction.

Medical issues are complex, and can often stem from both organic and psychological factors.  Never should a website be used as a source of diagnosing or treating medical problems. 

Financial matters are highly individualistic.  Risk tolerance is just one factor to consider before making any investments or financial decisions.  For these, and other, reasons, you should look to the guidance of a trained professional, not a website.

You may send us email, but in no instance will this communication in any way be construed as initiating an attorney-client relationship, or other professional relationship, and so the contact should not include confidential or sensitive data because your communication will not be treated as privileged or confidential.

7. Purchases.

You hereby agree that you will make any and all purchases, so-called “internal” and “external” (as herein expounded upon), in good faith and fair dealing.  You affirm that you only make purchases you can afford, intend to pay for, and can stand to realize no return on investment from.  You agree that every purchase carries a risk, markets can change (sometimes rapidly), and that products and services can become obsolete – either through natural atrophy or by design (i.e. – planned obsolescence).  You agree that your purchases are being made solely for yourself and your own purposes, or on behalf of another as described henceforth.  If you are making a purchase on behalf of another, and are submitting their personal data to us or a third-party, you affirm that you have the express permission to do so.

“Internal” Purchases

For the sake of this section, “internal purchases” refer to those purchases made from this website, or associated shopping carts or secure checkout pages (not to exclude other approved payment arrangement), that involve you buying the rights to products, services, or otherwise that are offered by us (whether generically, by company name, “doing business as,” trade name, or otherwise).

Purchases are made in the currency designated.  Typically this will be evident in a shopping cart or checkout page, although other payment arrangements can be made where agreed upon.  You are responsible for any currency conversion or other bank or third-party fees as a function of using a credit card, debit card, PayPal, crypto currency, or other acceptable payment form or financial service.  You agree to operate with good faith and fair dealing when making purchases, and to satisfy all financial obligations to third parties you interacted with in the course and conduct of making such purchases.  The preceding provisions apply whether you materially participate in the purchase yourself, someone assists you, or someone acts on your behalf.

“External” Purchases

For the sake of this section, “external” purchases are those made of products or services not offered by us and/or not offered through our payment modalities (i.e. – “our” shopping carts or checkout pages).  We may make available various products or services that you would not buy “from” us, but rather “through” us from third-party vendors.  Whether expressly proffered as a “suggested” or “recommended” purchase or not, we may at times link out to these “external” offers.  We may even feature articles, videos, or other apparent “endorsements” of said offers.  Nevertheless, these third-party offers always are, and shall remain, third-party offers ultimately made by someone not materially relevant to our business.  Likewise, we do not materially participate in the business of these third-parties and, as such, are not responsible for the quality, efficacy, or merit of these offers.  We similarly have no control over the advertisements, advertorials, infomercials, claims or otherwise with respect to these offers and consequently cannot vouch for the accuracy or contemporaneous nature (or lack thereof) of any such promotional materials – whether in print, audio, video, in person or otherwise.  Purchases from third-party vendors, depending on the arrangement, could result in your purchase data being collected by both us and them.  Keep in mind, however, that purchases from such third-party vendors may be subject to their own distinct data collection and privacy policies.  We obviously have no control over what these may be, and the degree of parity they do (or do not) have with our own.  Likewise, any dealings with third parties may subject you to their own Terms (Terms of Use, Conditions of Use, Terms of Service, etc.) that are triggered by your use of their web properties, products, and/or services.  There could conceivably be other legal nexus points, contractual in nature or otherwise, that arise from dealing with third parties.  If you have any questions about the policies of third parties, or cannot be certain that you are aware of all binding provisions (rights & responsibilities, opportunities & obligations, etc.), please contact the third-party vendor for clarity.  We do not generate, facilitate, or mediate contact or communication with third parties.  Your business dealings with third parties are solely your own – and you are on your own.  We make no representations, warranties or guarantees pertaining to any business dealings you have with third parties and you agree to hold us harmless, agree to release us with respect to any potential damages, agree not to assert any claims against us, and agree that we shall in no way be liable or otherwise responsible for any damages, losses, or other disadvantaged disposition stemming from your dealings with them.

Refunds/Returns: “Internal” Purchases

Any refund or return policy applicable to any product or service offered by us or out website would be made known at the point of, and certainly prior to, purchase.  You should therefore refer to the specific policy applicable to each given purchase.  As a general rule, digital products cannot actually be returned, and refunds are thus a bit of a legal fiction.  Consequently, purchases (especially digital products) should be made after careful decision and with the intention that a refund would only be sought in extraordinary circumstances.  Moreover, if no explicit refund or return policy is cited, you should assume that none exists and all purchases are final.

Refunds/Returns:  “External” Purchases

Refunds, if any, for external purchases are governed by the third parties from whom you made the purchase.

8. Miscellaneous.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be treated as though executed, set in force, and performed in the State or Province or Region of our address on record (in the contact information area of this website) by default, or else by designating a “Governing Law” jurisdiction plainly on this website here, in parentheses (________).  Any designation made here in the preceding parenthetical entry takes priority.  No parenthetical entry defaults to the location identified in the contact information of this website.  Accordingly, these Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with those laws, without regard to conflict of law principles. 


Class actions (class arbitrations, combined or consolidated arbitrations/actions, merged arbitrations/actions, private attorney general actions, etc.) are prohibited, and you thus waive your right to participate in any type of representative, consolidated, class or similar action.  You may, of course, seek to resolve disputes on an individual basis.

Any cause of action by you with respect to our website must be instituted within one (1) year after the cause of action arose or be forever waived and barred. All actions shall be subject to the limitations set forth in these Terms.  Any legal claim arising out of or relating to these Terms or our website, excluding intellectual property right infringement and other claims by us, shall be settled confidentially through mandatory binding arbitration per the American Arbitration Association commercial arbitration rules, or by the comparable, analogous rules of the jurisdiction of Governing Law.  The arbitration shall be conducted in the Governing Law jurisdiction. 

All claims shall be arbitrated on an individual basis, and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party.  The only exception to this will be if and when all involved parties, including us, agree to it.

If the proscription regarding Class Actions is held unenforceable by a legal authority of competent and applicable jurisdiction, the Class Action waiver shall be severed from these Terms, all remaining Terms standing intact, and a court of competent jurisdiction will decide the matter.


Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor industry trade practice shall act to modify any provision of this Agreement.


Our website may assign its rights and duties under this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you.  Neither your rights, nor your responsibilities, arising from this Agreement may be assigned to any party without express, written permission from us.

Contra Preferentum

The language in these Terms shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party.  Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party (i.e. – “contra preferentum”) shall not apply in interpreting these Terms, as the Agreement shall be construed as having been co-authored by the parties. 


Should any part of these Terms be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, that portion shall first be construed – to the greatest extent possible in the spirit with which it was written – as consistent with applicable law to remedy the defect.  In the event said portion cannot be so reconciled, it shall be severed from these Terms such that all remaining, unaffected Terms stand as the Agreement, in full force and effect.  In such case,  severability shall apply to the remaining portions, dealt with in like fashion if and as need be. 

This Agreement Prevails

To the extent that anything in or associated with our website is in conflict or inconsistent with these Terms, these Terms shall take precedence.

This Agreement Persists

To the extent permissible by relevant and applicable law, this Agreement persists, in perpetuity, continuing for the benefit of us, our successors, heirs, assigns, or legally-authorized representatives in any capacity, at our discretion, until or unless terminated by us or said parties to follow.


Our failure to enforce any provision of these Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of the provision nor of the right to enforce the provision. 

Our rights under these Terms of shall survive any termination of this agreement.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page can and will change over time.  Accordingly, this page could read differently as of your very next visit.  These changes are necessitated, and carried out, in order to protect you and our website.  If this page is important to you, you should check back frequently as no other notice of changed content will be provided either before or after the change takes effect.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any questions about the contents of this page, or simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by using our Contact information or any available support channel.

COPYRIGHT WARNING:  We are licensing the use of this legal document for our protection and yours.  It was authored by J. Scott Talbert, J.D. (The “Funnel Lawyer”).  It is the intellectual property, and thus copyrighted, by J. Scott Talbert, J.D. & Lawyer2Warrior (court-registered dba of J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC).  Unauthorized use, duplication, or re-creating this material (in either form or substance) is a violation of law.  The author & copyright owner may be contacted at https://Funnel.Lawyer